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Bad Dental Habits That are Hurting Your Teeth

The foundation of your smile is maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Without proper care, your teeth will become discolored, stained, or fractured, requiring unnecessary cosmetic treatment. Did you know that certain bad dental habits can damage the enamel of your teeth? The enamel is the tough and shiny outer layer of your teeth. Enamel protects your teeth and is responsible for their natural white color. What are some of the most common bad teeth hygiene issues and bad habits that can damage enamel and hurt your overall oral health? Let’s take a look.

1. Teeth Grinding
Did you know that teeth-grinding causes your enamel to wear down? Regular clenching and grinding of your teeth can do severe long-term damage. When a person grinds their teeth, they can begin to crack or chip and wear down their enamel over time. Weakened enamel can increase the risk of developing cavities and eventually tooth decay.

2. Using your teeth as tools
Have you ever used your teeth to pry something open or rip open packaging? Did you know that this can cause damage to your teeth? Many people end up with cracked teeth by trying to use them as tools. It’s important to remember that teeth have an intended purpose – to chew food. Avoiding using your teeth as a crowbar or substitute for a knife or scissors will best serve your oral health in the long term.

3. Not brushing or brushing incorrectly
Some people don’t brush enough or don’t brush at all! But surprisingly, you can damage your teeth by not brushing correctly. Brushing too hard will wear away the enamel on your teeth over time and harm your gums. The long-term effects can include gum recession, tooth sensitivity, and cavities. Check out our guide on how to brush your teeth correctly.

4. Choosing the wrong toothpaste or mouthwashes
Did you know that using the wrong products on your teeth can cause damage? Kinds of toothpaste with harsh abrasives can damage the enamel on your teeth. You should choose your toothpaste based on its abrasiveness level and not just by price or brand. You should also look for a mouthwash that contains fluoride to help maintain your healthy smile. If you’re unsure which products to use, consult your dentist.

5. Eating too many sweets
Many people have a habit of binge-eating food or sweets. People who eat a lot of sweets often neglect to care for their teeth until damage and cavities develop. Sugary foods create acids that will wear down your teeth over time. Longer-lasting candies like suckers can also coat your teeth for more extended periods, causing even more damage. Hard candies also often lead to chipped or broken teeth when people try to bite through them.

6. Biting your nails
You can easily chip off the enamel on your front teeth when you bite your nails. It is crucial to stop this habit because the enamel will wear down over time and can even crack or chip off. When you damage this enamel, you become more likely to develop cavities on your front teeth.

7. Not flossing
Many people don’t floss their teeth enough or use the wrong floss. It is important to floss at least once a day and use the right floss. If you are unsure how much floss you should use, check with your dentist. Flossing is an integral part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. It will help remove plaque that has formed on your teeth, which damages your enamel over time.

8. Not having an oral health regimen
Sometimes it’s just important to stick to the basics. The dentists you hear about on TV aren’t wrong; you should brush twice a day for at least two minutes to remove any accumulated plaque on your teeth. You should also floss daily and use a fluoride mouthwash rinse between regular visits to your dentist. A routine oral health care program is vital for your smile’s health.

9. Using too much fluoride
While fluoride, in general, is seen as a good thing – too much can cause an issue called fluorosis that can leave streaks on your teeth and have all kinds of harmful effects on your jaw, thyroid, and more. Consult your dentist if you think you might be getting too much or too little fluoride.

You should avoid these bad dental habits if you want strong, healthy teeth. You should also care for your dental health by brushing and flossing your teeth, using proper toothpaste and mouthwash, and eating healthy foods. If you have questions about your dental habits and live in the Metro Detroit area, contact your nearest Fortson Dentistry location to set up an appointment.