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Frequently Asked Questions about Floss

Some people only floss their teeth when it is done at a teeth cleaning appointment. Others floss when they have something stuck in their teeth. And then the outliers floss every day, as you should! Learn more about flossing as we answer some frequently asked questions about dental floss. 

How often should you floss?

Dentists recommend that you floss once a day. Flossing once a day will remove harmful plaque-creating bacteria between your teeth and gumlines to help protect your teeth and mouth. 

How do you floss correctly?

To ensure your flossing is effective, follow these steps to floss your teeth properly.

  1. Remove the floss from its container and wrap the floss around the pointer finger of each hand, leaving about two inches of floss.
  2. Slide the gathered dental floss between your teeth and gently move forward and backward.
  3. Create a C-shape with the dental floss and move along the side of a tooth upward away from your gum line.
  4. Adjust your hand positing on the floss before moving to the next tooth to use a fresh section of dental floss for the next tooth. 

Should I floss before or after brushing?

It is recommended that you floss your teeth before brushing your teeth. The reason is that flossing removes plaque and build-up from between your teeth and from your gums. This allows your toothpaste to access these areas of your mouth. 

Should you floss in the morning or at night?

Flossing your teeth at night before brushing your teeth is ideal. Flossing at this time allows you to remove any build-up that occurred during the day. Your toothpaste can then go to work cleaning between your teeth and gums.  

How often should you floss with braces?

With braces, you should floss every night before brushing your teeth. Food can quickly get stuck in braces, and this may require you to floss more frequently. Be sure you are flossing correctly to prevent damage to your teeth and gums. 

How do you floss with braces?

To floss with braces, you will first thread the floss between the gap behind the wire of your braces. After you have done this, you will be able to run the floss between your teeth. There are threaders you can purchase to make this easier. 

Is it possible to floss too much?

Yes, flossing too much can cause damage to your gumline. Damaging your gumline exposes your teeth to more bacteria and may cause you to get cavities near your gumline. If you notice your gum line is red, inflamed, and irritated, discuss your flossing habits with your dentist.  

Is flossing twice a day too much?

Flossing twice daily isn’t necessary unless you are trying to remove something from your teeth. It typically takes plaque-creating bacteria 4 to 12 hours to form. Due to this, flossing once a day is typically adequate since this bacterium takes a while to develop.   

What type of floss should you use?

There are varying types of dental floss, with the most common being unwaxed floss and waxed floss. Unwaxed floss is thin and ideal for small gaps. Waxed floss tends to slide between teeth easily due to the added wax layer. 

Are dental floss picks good?

Floss picks are less effective than a string of floss since you can not reach the same angles with a pick. That said, dental floss picks are better than not flossing at all.  

Are floss picks reusable? 

No, you should not reuse dental floss picks. Dispose of the dental floss pick after using it to floss your mouth.  

Are water flossers effective?

Water flossers are effective. You may be most familiar with the brand Waterpik, but many dental care companies have their version. Some studies report that they are more effective than dental floss. A water flosser removes food and bacteria from between your teeth and gumline as dental floss does. They are an excellent choice for sensitive gums or patients with dental implants. 

Does dental floss expire?

No, dental floss does not expire. The flavor may lessen roughly one year from when it was made.  

Do you have questions about flossing?

If you have questions we didn’t answer about flossing, contact our office to set up an appointment. Visit our website to locate the most convenient Fortson Dentistry office location. We would love to ensure you floss correctly to maintain good oral health!