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Chipped Tooth: Causes & Treatment

Anyone is vulnerable to chipping a tooth. It happens to those who have great oral health even. If you do have a chipped tooth, it is not something you can ignore though. If you choose to look past a chipped tooth, you can be prone to further health issues such as infection.

What are the common causes of a chipped tooth?

 A chipped tooth can occur from everyday activities or traumatic events. The following are common reasons patients experience a chipped tooth:

  • Chewing on hard foods such as candy, ice and nuts
  • Sports injury
  • Bruxism, grinding or clenching your teeth
  • Weak teeth due to cavities
  • Trauma to your mouth such as a fall or accident

What do I do if I have a chipped tooth?

If you have a chipped tooth, you should do the following at home to fix it:

Use warm water to rinse your mouth.

A chipped tooth has the potential to be more sensitive so be sure you are using warm water as opposed to hot or cold.

Stop the bleeding, if there is any.

A chipped tooth may cause some bleeding. Apply pressure to the area with clean gauze or something similar. 

Reduce swelling.

Apply an ice pack to the area of your face where the tooth is chipped.

Ease pain.

If the chipped tooth is causing pain, take an over-the-counter medication. If you are still experiencing bleeding, avoid aspirin as it can thin the blood and make it more difficult for you to stop bleeding.

Protect your tooth or mouth.

If you have access to dental cement or dental wax, you will want to use it. If you have dental cement, apply it over the tooth to prevent infection or further damage. If you do not have dental cement, use dental wax along the edge of the chip to shield your tongue and cheek from the sharp edge.

Call your dentist.

After you have attended to the chipped tooth, contact your dentist to schedule a dental emergency visit.

How do you treat a chipped tooth?

Depending on how badly you have chipped your tooth will determine the treatment for your tooth. Options for chipped tooth repair include:

Dental filling

Small chips that only affect the tooth’s enamel are easy to fix with a filling. The tooth may need to be filed down and shaped before the filling can occur.  

Dental veneer

A dental veneer can be used to fix a medium-sized chip. The veneer will be placed over the tooth for a natural-looking smile.

Dental crowns

A large chip or broken tooth can require a dental crown to fix it. There are different types of dental crowns. A dentist can help you determine the best dental crown to fix your chipped tooth.

Tooth extraction

If the chip has gone down past your gums, tooth extraction is the best solution.  

Can I leave a chipped tooth?

If you have a chipped tooth, you should call your dentist for an emergency visit. If you ignore a chipped tooth, it can potentially lead to further issues. Those issues will depend on the severity of the chip though.

  • A chip can get worse and lead to a root canal or extraction.
  • Untreated, a chipped tooth can start to decay and cause bad breath.
  • A chipped tooth can expose the nerve and lead to infection or sensitivity.

Is a chipped tooth an emergency?

Yes, a chipped tooth is an emergency. You should contact your dentist to set up an appointment to review your options for repairing your chipped tooth.

What should I avoid doing with a chipped tooth?

With a chipped tooth, you should do your best to chew on the opposite side of your mouth. This will help to prevent further damage to the tooth and reduce the likelihood of your sharp tooth cutting your tongue or lip.

Avoid the following drinks and foods with a chipped tooth:

  • Seeded fruits, such as strawberries
  • Hot or cold beverages due to sensitivity
  • Foods that are hard to chew, like tough meats and sticky candy

Contact Fortson Dentistry for a chipped tooth.

If you have a chipped tooth, contact one of our locations immediately for a dental emergency visit. We will evaluate the severity of your chipped tooth and discuss the next steps to repair the tooth. Find a Fortson Dentistry location near you to schedule your appointment.